Recently in connection with changes of climatic conditions and as interest of people to exotic plants became necessity for wider introduction for new kinds of ornamental plants for detailed studying biological features, in particular their adaptable opportunities to action of low temperatures. It allows to give, for example, scientifically proved recommendations on care of the chosen plants to gardeners to fans. Search of new areas introduction mentions also the south of Western Siberia. The purpose of our work is to offer, for introduction most, in our opinion, winter-hardy kinds which not bad have recommended itself in areas with similar climatic conditions with a climate of the south of Western Siberia (1). For performance of an object in view we have chosen following kinds: Jasminum nudiflorum Lindl., Lonicera fragrantissima Lindl., Exochorda Alberti Reg., Laburnum anagyroides Med., Ñotoneaster microphulla Wall., Crotaegus crus galli L, Pyracantha coccinea Roem., Evonumus japonica Thumb., Hibiscus syriacus L., Deutzia scabra Thunb., Tamarix tetrandra Pabl., Gleditschia triacanthos L., Paulownia tomentosa Z. For selection of assortment of wood plants offered for introduction, we have analysed the average climatic characteristics of some cities (Ekaterinburg, Kirov, Syktyvkar) and have compared them to a climate of Novosibirsk. (3) at an estimation of climatic factors of influence of environment on a condition introduction plants, we have paid attention to those parameters which most influence, both is negative, and positive, on adaptation of plants to low temperatures in local conditions. It has appeared, that in all places introduction identical is: date of formation of a steady snow cover (25.10.); identical quantity of days.
Note. Abstracts are published in author's edition